

Catalogue laguage
endpoints for retrieving information about available languages. To use these endpoints, you must send a GET request to the corresponding endpoint with the necessary authorization and content-type headers included. The response will contain a JSON object with a
results key
, which holds a list of objects containing information about the available objects.

The take and skip parameters are optional and can be used to limit the number of results returned and to paginate through the available objects.

takestringMaximum number of records to retrieve in a single request. The maximum value is 100.
skipstringNumber of records to skip before starting to return results.

HTTP Request


curl -X 'GET' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'

  results: [
	  "uuid": "59addbcb-16ee-4fef-8d7c-8da0de9407c3",
	  "code": "af",
	  "name": "Afrikaans",
	  "native": "Afrikaans",
	  "rtl": false,
	  "status": "active",
	  "description": "",
	  "accents": [
	  		"ZA-South Africa"
	  "created_at": "2023/11/24 12:49:09",
	  "updated_at": "2024/01/05 14:43:51",
	  "type": "language"
    pagination: {
        skip: {SKIP},
        take: {TAKE},
        total: {TOTAL_OBJECT}