Get All


Media Assets
endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all media objects uploaded to your account. To use this endpoint, you must provide the necessary authorization headers. The request should be sent as a GET request to the
endpoint, with the
query parameters specifying the range of media objectsyou're interested in. The resulting identifier is to be used in the media fields of the create endpoint.

If you're unsure about the available options for the skip and take parameters, you can refer to the Assets section of the API documentation to retrieve information about pagination and filtering options.

assetTypestringType of media to filter. Choose from: IMAGE, VIDEO, or MUSIC. You can pass multiple types separated by commas.
searchstringSearch by name to filter the results.
takestringMaximum number of records to retrieve in a single request. The maximum value is 100.
skipstringNumber of records to skip before starting to return results.

HTTP Request


curl -X 'GET' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'

  "results": [
          "id": "{MEDIA_IDENTIFIER}"
          "name": "{MEDIA_NAME}"
          "type": "{MEDIA_TYPE}"
          "url": "{MEDIA_URL}"
          "thumbnail": "{MEDIA_THUMBNAIL}" //(thumbnail only exist when type IMAGE/VIDEO)
          "meta": {
            "duration": "{MEDIA_DURATION}" //(Duration only exist when type VIDEO/MUSIC)
  pagination: {
        skip: {SKIP},
        take: {TAKE},
        total: {TOTAL_OBJECT}