Get all videos

Use this endpoint to retrieve information about all videos in your account. The identifier is used in all endpoints to uniquely identify a video. The videos are sorted based creation time by default.

statusstringStatus to filter. Choose from: in_progress, failed, update_done, draft, draft_in_progress, done, update_failed, update_in_progress. You can pass multiple status separated by commas.
start_datestringFilter based on the start date of the last modification. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD.
end_datestringFilter based on the end date of the last modification. Date format: YYYY-MM-DD.
searchstringSearch by title to filter the results.
takestringMaximum number of records to retrieve in a single request. The maximum value is 100.
skipstringNumber of records to skip before starting to return results.
sortFieldstringThe field to sort the videos by. Values are created and updated.
sortTypestringSort order. Choose from: asc (ascending) or desc (descending).

HTTP Request


curl -X 'GET' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'

  results: [
      identifier: "{VIDEO_IDENTIFIER}",
      state: "{VIDEO_STATE}",
      status: "{VIDEO_STATUS}",
      progress: "{VIDEO_PROGRESS}",
      remainingTime: "{VIDEO_PROCESS_REMAINING_TIME}",
      stagText: "{VIDEO_STAGE_TEXT}",
      un_wateremark_link: "{VIDEO_LINK}", //(Will deprecate in next version. prefer to use 'video_link')
      thumbnail: "{VIDEO_THUMBNAIL}",
      generated_from: "{VIDEO_MODE}",
      title: "{VIDEO_TITLE}",
      video_link: "{VIDEO_LINK}",
      duration: "{VIDEO_DURATION}",
      target_platform: "{VIDEO_TARGET_PLATFORM}",
      target_language: "{VIDEO_TARGET_LANGUAGE}",
      created: "{VIDEO_CREATION_TIME}",
      updated: "{VIDEO_UPDATE_TIME}",
    pagination: {
        skip: {SKIP},
        take: {TAKE},
        total: {TOTAL_OBJECT}