
All the parameters for registering users:

eventType[string]The events which should notify the system.Yes
apiKeystring The API key which is accessible via user setting menu. Yes
systemIdstring The system id which provided by Oxolo support.Yes

When registering the eventType, you are able to register the following parameters ( you can register by one or more in eventType array):

videoUpdateStatusstringWhen a video has been updated.
videoProgressstringIncremental progress updates for each video.
userCreditstringIf the credits of the account change.
allstringAll of the above.

curl -X 'POST' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'
  "eventType": ["videoUpdateStatus"],
  "apiKey": "dbf8ed35120f"
  "systemId": "42b69075-952e-42fe-81d4-dbf8ed35120f"

  "results": {
      "eventType": ["videoUpdateStatus"],
      "apiKey": "dbf8ed35120f",
      "createdAt": "2023/06/21 12:00:00",
      "system": {
          "id": "42b69075-952e-42fe-81d4-dbf8ed35120f",
          "name": "system name",
          "webhookUrl": "webhookUrl"